COVID-19 Updates

For information on COVID-19 in Oregon, call 211 or visit 211info.

You can also dial 1-866-698-6155 or text your zip code to 898211.

Help stop COVID-19 from spreading. Wear a face covering in public. Wash your hands and cover your cough. Stay home if you are sick and avoid contact with people who are sick. If you are having a medical emergency, call 911.

Masks required statewide for people age 5 and older in:

  • All workplaces, indoor public spaces, public and private colleges and universities, and indoor and outdoor markets.
  • Outdoor public spaces when physical distancing of at least six feet is not possible.

People with a disability or medical condition may request accommodation if they cannot wear a mask.

OHA does not recommend wearing a plastic face shield alone.

Flu shots:
Don't wait
to vaccinate

Watch List updated
Updates to face covering guidance
Planning ahead for a COVID-19 vaccine
Facebook Q&A: Flu and COVID-19

Contact Tracing: Answering the Call
Governor Brown speaking to camera
Press Briefing with Gov. Kate Brown, Oct. 6, 2020

Statewide Message
Watch Press Briefing video

woman providing ASL interpretation
OHA Town Hall Meeting

Statewide Broadcast
Watch Town Hall broadcast video

woman in yellow sweater speaking to the camera.
COVID-19 and Mental Health Q&A

Statewide Facebook Live Broadcast
Watch Facebook Live video

Woman speaking to the camera.
Press Briefing with Gov. Kate Brown, Sept. 4, 2020

Statewide Message
Watch Press Briefing video

Governor Kate Brown presenting at the June 12th press conference with two sign language interpretors in the background
Oregon K-12 Back to School Q&A

Statewide Message
Watch Oregon K-12 Back to School Q&A video

Man in a chair wearing a face shield. Sign language interpreter on the right.
Help stop the spread of COVID-19 this Labor Day weekend

Statewide Message
Watch Help stop the spread of COVID-19 this Labor Day weekend video

Woman in a chair wearing a face shield. Sign language interpreter on the right.
Su esfuerzos si importan y si ayudarán a combatir el COVID-19

Statewide Message en Español
Watch Su esfuerzos si importan y si ayudarán a combatir el COVID-19 video

Press Briefing with Gov. Kate Brown, August 21, 2020

Statewide Message
Watch Press Briefing with Gov. Kate Brown, August 21, 2020 video

Face Coverings Revised Guidance Q&A, Aug. 19, 2020

Statewide Facebook Live Message
Watch Face Coverings Revised Guidance Q&A video

Back to College in Oregon during COVID-19 Q&A

Statewide Facebook Live Broadcast
Watch Back to College in Oregon during COVID-19 Q&A video

Press Briefing with Gov. Kate Brown, July 28, 2020

Statewide Message
Watch Press Briefing with Gov. Kate Brown, July 28, 2020 video

 OHA COVID-19 Playlist

 COVID-19 Videos in Multiple Languages

 Situation in Oregon

Featured Data Reports

Read OHA's latest reports. COVID-19 data are provisional and subject to change with ongoing data reconciliation. View previous reports here.

Data current as of 10/28/2020, 12:01 a.m. Updated Monday - Friday.*
Total cases43,228
Total deaths671
Positive tests41,033
Negative tests797,821
Total tested838,854

County Cases1 Deaths2 Negatives3
Baker 133 3 2227
Benton 448 6 18207
Clackamas 3206 66 75784
Clatsop 246 0 6710
Columbia 270 1 8648
Coos 259 1 8913
Crook 112 2 3128
Curry 58 1 2366
Deschutes 1161 13 38302
Douglas 363 8 15429
Gilliam 11 0 360
Grant 11 0 1042
Harney 34 0 947
Hood River 279 1 5858
Jackson 1742 7 41524
Jefferson 605 10 5621
Josephine 269 3 14584
Klamath 421 3 11835
Lake 41 0 1060
Lane 2451 27 81338
Lincoln 518 13 9848
Linn 827 15 20821
Malheur 1943 38 6311
Marion 5963 108 60524
Morrow 546 7 2081
Multnomah 9401 165 176057
Polk 663 15 11955
Sherman 19 0 386
Tillamook 72 0 3621
Umatilla 3393 45 15472
Union 477 2 5166
Wallowa 46 2 1203
Wasco 349 16 5929
Washington 5885 78 112976
Wheeler 1 0 187
Yamhill 1005 15 21401
Total 43228 671 797821
Age group Cases1 Percent Ever hospitalized4 Deaths2
0 to 9 2082 5% 36 0
10 to 19 4715 11% 43 0
20 to 29 9372 22% 217 1
30 to 39 7697 18% 252 5
40 to 49 6881 16% 356 14
50 to 59 5466 13% 501 45
60 to 69 3407 8% 598 111
70 to 79 2034 5% 607 160
80 and over 1530 4% 523 335
Not available 44 0% 1 0
Total 43228 100% 3134 671
Sex Cases1 Percent Deaths2 Percent
Female 22295 52% 297 44%
Male 20763 48% 374 56%
Non-binary 4 0% 0 0%
Not available 166 0% 0 0%
Total 43228 100% 671 100%
Hospitalized4 Cases1 Percent
Yes 3134 7%
No 35341 82%
Not provided 4753 11%
Total 43228 100%
Hospital capacity and usage5 Available Total staffed
Adult ICU beds 174 721
Adult non-ICU beds 612 4,510
Pediatric NICU/PICU beds 125 389
Pediatric non-ICU beds 108 333
Ventilators 747
COVID-19 details5 Patients with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 Only patients with confirmed COVID-19
Current hospitalized patients 206 156
Current patients in ICU beds 62 52
Current patients on ventilators 19 20
Testing by Oregon State Public Health Laboratory
Specimens received at OSPHL yesterday 289
Test results released by OSPHL yesterday 230
Specimens pending at OSPHL as of 8:00 p.m. yesterday 335
Total persons tested for COVID-19 at OSPHL since 2/28/2020 28,180
Total persons tested at other laboratories 810,674
Total persons tested 838,854

1This includes cases confirmed by diagnostic testing and presumptive cases. Presumptive cases are people without a positive diagnostic test who have COVID-19-like symptoms and had close contact with a laboratory confirmed case. Antibody test results are not included in our data. County of residence for cases may change as new information becomes available. If changes occur, we will update our counts accordingly.

2For additional details on individuals who have died from COVID-19 in Oregon, please refer to our press releases.

3This includes cases who test negative and are not epi-linked to a confirmed case.

4Ever hospitalized, if available, as reported to OPERA. OPERA is the state of Oregon’s electronic disease surveillance system for COVID-19. Cases are considered hospitalized if they were ever admitted to the hospital for inpatient care during the their COVID-19 illness. Cases who were examined in but not admitted to a hospital may be incorrectly classified as hospitalized until interview and medical record review are complete, leading to fluctuations in the number of hospitalized COVID-19 cases.

5As reported to Oregon’s Hospital Capacity Web System (HOSCAP). Every hospital in Oregon is asked to submit data twice daily HOSCAP. Hospital staff are asked to enter bed capacity information, by type, as well as the numbers of patients with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 illness who are currently hospitalized at the time of data entry. These data may conflict with hospitalization status in OPERA due to case reporting and investigation lags and temporary discrepancies in case classification.


  1. Because community transmission is occurring in Oregon and recommendations on social or physical distancing are in place, as of March 17, 2020, we no longer report daily counts of persons under monitoring.
  2. Confirmation by CDC of laboratory results from the Oregon State Public Health Laboratory is no longer required; therefore as of March 15, 2020, we no longer note the number of CDC-confirmed cases.
  3. Reporting of travel history is not available for cases reported to OHA by commercial laboratories; therefore as of March 15, 2020, we no longer include information about travel history.
  4. As of March 25, 2020, we are including the number of pending test results available from the Oregon State Public Health Laboratory (OSPHL). The OSPHL serves as the first source of testing during an outbreak and as commercial labs come online, OSPHL increases focus on priority testing. Commercial labs have the ability to conduct testing on an industrial scale, but do not report pending results, therefore we only include pending results from OSPHL.
  5. As of March 26, 2020, OHA is releasing a COVID-19 Daily Update (formerly called the Situational Status Report). Previous updates are posted on OHA's COVID-19 News page.

*For daily counts of cases, deaths and negative tests on weekends, please see our weekend press releases, available here.
Total cases include cases confirmed by diagnostic testing and presumptive cases. Presumptive cases are people without a positive diagnostic test who have COVID-19-like symptoms and close contact with a laboratory confirmed case. Antibody test results are not included in our data.

 Guidance from OHA

Find OHA's general and sector-specific guidance, frequently asked questions, and signage for businesses.

 County Status Chart Reopening Guidance Tool Executive Orders

OHA provides these materials in multiple languages as a part of our equity-centered response to COVID-19. When there are changes, English versions may be updated before the translated versions. Please check the dates in these documents to make sure you have the most current version. If there are differences between English and another language, the English version is the official version.

Statewide Guidance - Applies Immediately
Statewide Mask, Face Shield and Face Covering Guidance  Last updated 10/19/2020
Spanish | Arabic | Simplified Chinese | Traditional Chinese | Chuukese | Hmong | Korean | Marshallese | Russian | Ukrainian | Vietnamese
 "Masks Required" Sign
Spanish | Arabic | Simplified Chinese | Traditional Chinese | Chuukese | Hmong | Korean | Marshallese | Russian | Somali | Vietnamese | Large Print
Statewide Gatherings, Indoor Social Get-Together Guidance  Last updated 9/24/2020
Spanish | Arabic | Simplified Chinese | Traditional Chinese | Chuukese | Hmong | Korean | Marshallese | Russian | Somali | Ukrainian | Vietnamese
FAQs  Last updated 8/20/2020
Spanish | Arabic | Simplified Chinese | Chuukese | Hmong | Marshallese | Russian | Somali | Vietnamese
General Guidance for Employers  Last updated 8/18/2020
Spanish | Arabic | Simplified Chinese | Traditional Chinese | Chuukese | Hmong | Korean | Marshallese | Russian | Somali | Vietnamese
FAQs  Last updated 7/24/2020
Spanish | Arabic | Simplified Chinese | Traditional Chinese | Chuukese | Hmong | Korean | Marshallese | Russian | Somali | Vietnamese
 "Maximum Occupancy" Sign
Spanish | Arabic | Simplified Chinese | Traditional Chinese | Chuukese | Hmong | Korean |  Marshallese | Russian | Somali | Vietnamese | Large Print
Retail Stores  Last updated 7/1/2020
Spanish | Arabic | Simplified Chinese | Traditional Chinese | Chuukese | Hmong | Korean | Marshallese | Russian | Somali | Vietnamese
FAQs  Last updated 5/21/2020
Spanish | Arabic | Simplified Chinese | Traditional Chinese | Chuukese | HmongKorean | Marshallese | Russian | SomaliVietnamese
Indoor and Outdoor Markets and Street Fairs  Last updated 9/28/2020
Spanish | Arabic | Simplified Chinese | Traditional Chinese | Chuukese | Hmong | Korean | Marshallese | Russian | Somali | Vietnamese
Transit Agencies  Last updated 7/1/2020
Spanish | Arabic | Simplified Chinese | Traditional Chinese | Chuukese | Hmong | Korean | Marshallese | Russian | Somali | Vietnamese
Outdoor Recreation Organizations  Last updated 10/2/2020
Spanish | Arabic | Simplified Chinese | Traditional Chinese | Chuukese | Hmong | Korean | Marshallese | Russian | Somali | Vietnamese
FAQs  Last updated 6/29/2020
Spanish | Arabic | Simplified Chinese | Traditional Chinese | Chuukese | Hmong | Korean | Marshallese | Russian | Somali | Vietnamese
Operators of Zoos, Museums, Drive-In Movie Theaters, Raceways, Outdoor Gardens and Aquariums  Last updated 8/4/2020
Spanish | Arabic | Simplified Chinese | Traditional Chinese | Chuukese | Hmong | Korean | Marshallese | Russian | Somali | Vietnamese
Child Care Operations  
FAQs for Families FAQs for Childcare Providers
Youth Programs Guidance  Last updated 10/5/2020
Spanish | Arabic | Simplified Chinese | Traditional Chinese | Chuukese | Hmong | Korean | Marshallese | Russian | Somali | Vietnamese
K-12 School Sports Guidance  Last updated 10/15/2020
Spanish | Arabic | Simplified Chinese | Traditional Chinese | Chuukese | Hmong | Korean | Marshallese | Russian | Somali | Vietnamese
FAQs  Last updated 9/4/2020
Spanish | Arabic | Simplified Chinese | Traditional Chinese | Chuukese | Hmong | Korean | Marshallese | Russian | Somali | Vietnamese
Recreational Sports, Limited Return to Play for Specified Sports  Last updated 9/15/2020
Spanish | Arabic | Simplified Chinese | Traditional Chinese | Chuukese | Hmong | Korean | Marshallese | Russian | Somali | Vietnamese
FAQs  Last updated 9/16/2020
Spanish | Arabic | Simplified Chinese | Traditional Chinese | Chuukese | Hmong | Korean | Marshallese | Russian | Somali | Vietnamese
Collegiate, Semi-Professional, and Minor League Sports Guidance  Last updated 9/14/2020
Spanish | Arabic | Simplified Chinese | Traditional Chinese | Chuukese | Hmong | Korean | Marshallese | Russian | Somali | Vietnamese
Professional Sports Guidance  Last updated 8/18/2020
Spanish | Arabic | Simplified Chinese | Traditional Chinese | Chuukese | Hmong | Korean | Marshallese | Russian | Somali | Vietnamese

Phase 1 Guidance
Personal Services Providers  Last updated 9/9/2020
Spanish | Arabic | Simplified Chinese | Traditional Chinese | Chuukese | Hmong | Korean | Marshallese | Russian | Somali | Vietnamese
 FAQs  Last updated 8/4/2020
Spanish | Arabic | Simplified Chinese | Traditional Chinese | Chuukese | HmongKorean | Marshallese | Russian | SomaliVietnamese
Restaurants and Bars  Last updated 7/24/2020
Spanish | Arabic | Simplified Chinese | Traditional Chinese | Chuukese | Hmong | Korean | Marshallese | Russian | Somali | Vietnamese
 FAQs  Last updated 8/26/2020
Spanish | Arabic | Simplified Chinese | Traditional Chinese | Chuukese | Hmong | Korean | Marshallese | Russian | Somali | Vietnamese
Shopping Centers and Malls  Last updated 7/1/2020
Spanish | Arabic | Simplified Chinese | Traditional Chinese | Chuukese | Hmong | Korean | Marshallese | Russian | Somali | Vietnamese
FAQs  Last updated 5/21/2020
Spanish | Arabic | Simplified Chinese | Traditional Chinese | ChuukeseHmongKorean | Marshallese | Russian | SomaliVietnamese
Swimming Pools, Spas and Sports Courts  Last updated 9/4/2020
Spanish | Arabic | Simplified Chinese | Traditional Chinese | Chuukese | Hmong | Korean | Marshallese | Russian | Somali | Vietnamese
FAQs  Last updated 9/14/2020
Spanish | Arabic | Simplified Chinese | Traditional Chinese | Chuukese | Hmong | Korean | Marshallese | Russian | Somali |  Vietnamese
Fitness-related Organizations  Last updated 9/8/2020
Spanish | Arabic | Simplified Chinese | Traditional Chinese | Chuukese | Hmong | Korean | Marshallese | Russian | Somali | Vietnamese
FAQs  Last updated 10/7/2020
Spanish | Arabic | Simplified Chinese | Traditional Chinese | Chuukese | Hmong | Korean | Marshallese | Russian | Somali | Vietnamese
Bowling Alleys and Skating Rinks  Last updated 10/22/2020

Phase 2 Guidance
Indoor and Outdoor Entertainment Facilities  Last updated 7/24/2020
Spanish | Arabic | Simplified Chinese | Traditional Chinese | Chuukese | Hmong | Korean | Marshallese | Russian | Somali | Vietnamese
FAQs  Last updated 9/2/2020
Spanish | Arabic | Simplified Chinese | Traditional Chinese | Chuukese | Hmong | Korean | Marshallese | Russian | Somali | Vietnamese
Outdoor Recreation Organizations  Last updated 9/1/2020
Spanish | Arabic | Simplified Chinese | Traditional Chinese | Chuukese | Hmong | Korean | Marshallese | Russian | Somali | Vietnamese
FAQs  Last updated 6/29/2020
Spanish | Arabic | Simplified Chinese | Traditional Chinese | Chuukese | Hmong | Korean | Marshallese | Russian | Somali | Vietnamese
Restaurants and Bars  Last updated 7/24/2020
Spanish | Arabic | Simplified Chinese | Traditional Chinese | Chuukese | Hmong | Korean | Marshallese |Somali | Russian | Vietnamese
FAQs  Last updated 9/2/2020
Spanish | Arabic | Simplified Chinese | Traditional Chinese | Chuukese | Hmong | Korean | Marshallese | Russian | Somali | Vietnamese
Venue and Event Operators  Last updated 9/29/2020
Spanish | Arabic | Simplified Chinese | Traditional Chinese | Chuukese | Hmong | Korean | Marshallese | Russian | Somali | Vietnamese
FAQs  Last updated 10/6/2020
Spanish | Arabic | Simplified Chinese | Traditional Chinese | Chuukese | Hmong | Korean | Marshallese | Russian | Somali | Vietnamese
Swimming Pools, Spas and Sports Courts  Last updated 9/4/2020
Spanish | Arabic | Simplified Chinese | Traditional Chinese | Chuukese | Hmong | Korean | Marshallese | Russian | Somali | Vietnamese
FAQs  Last updated 9/14/2020
Spanish& | Arabic | Simplified Chinese | Traditional Chinese | Chuukese | Hmong | Korean | Marshallese | Russian | Somali | Vietnamese
Fitness-related Organizations  Last updated 9/8/2020
Spanish | Arabic | Simplified Chinese | Traditional Chinese | Chuukese | Hmong | Korean | Marshallese | Russian | Somali | Vietnamese
FAQs  Last updated 10/7/2020
Spanish | Arabic | Simplified Chinese | Traditional Chinese | Chuukese | Hmong | Korean | Marshallese | Russian | Somali | Vietnamese


Guidance for Healthcare Settings
Mask and Face Covering Use in Health Care Offices
Statewide Mask, Face Covering, Face Shield Guidance for Health Care Offices
Spanish | Arabic | Simplified Chinese | Traditional Chinese | Chuukese | Hmong | Korean | Somali | Marshallese | Russian | Vietnamese
Resumption and Continued Provision of Non-Emergent and Elective Procedures
Guidance for Hospitals  Last updated 7/30/2020  Attestation Form
Guidance for Ambulatory Surgical Centers  Last updated 7/30/2020  Attestation Form
Guidance for Medical and Dental Offices, Other Health Care Settings  Last updated 7/31/2020
Guidance for Veterinary Facilities  Last updated 9/16/2020

Additional OHA guidance for healthcare partners can be found on the pages linked below.
Information for long-term care facilities is available on the DHS website.

OHA Emergency and Temporary Rules

 Community Resources

Visit our Community Resources page to find information for individuals, families, people with disabilities, caretakers, workers, and more.

Safe and strong logo

As we face COVID-19 together, it's clear that we are strongest when we are in community, even from a distance. To help keep our communities safe and healthy, OHA's Safe + Strong website provides updates, resources and information in multiple languages. With the right information, we can get through this — together.

Safe + Strong Helpline: 1-800-923-HELP (4357)

 School Reopening

Oregon public health officials have developed evidence-based metrics to help school boards and school districts make decisions about how they can safely reopen schools. OHA is working closely with the Oregon Department of Education on their Ready Schools, Safe Learners guidance for public and private K-12 schools for the 2020-21 school year.

Social Media Graphics


Face coverings are an effective way to slow the spread of COVID-19.

Información en español

masks and rain

Letting your face covering get wet may decrease its effectiveness and make it difficult to breath. 

Información en español

healthy people

COVID-19 can be dangerous for healthy people. 

Información en español

flu vaccine and covid

There's no evidence that flu vaccine causes people to be more susceptible to COVID-19.

Información en español

Accessibility: For individuals with disabilities or individuals who speak a language other than English, OHA can provide information in alternate formats such as translations, large print, or braille. Contact the Health Information Center at 1-971-673-2411, 711 TTY or

 Printing requests: You can download materials on this page. OHA does not offer paper versions. Please feel free to print whatever you need.

 Language access: OHA is working to provide original content in languages other than English. Many of the materials in our community resources section are available in multiple languages. OHA is also providing the Google™ Translate option to assist you in reading the OHA website in languages other than English. Google™ Translate cannot translate all types of documents and may not provide an exact translation. Anyone relying on information obtained from Google™ Translate does so at their own risk. OHA does not make any promises, assurances, or guarantees as to the accuracy of the translations provided.

 General questions:

 Website feedback:

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